Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Seven days into Twenty-Seven

Woo-wee....Twenty-Six went out with a bang and Twenty-Seven is surely following suit!

To close out twenty-six there was a night launch, road tripping to Jekyll for sea turtle friend reunion/Ziggying/tree swinging/island treasure hunting, marathon running, hanging with Taj (the coolest dog I've ever met), and Indian River Lagoon Conferencing....whew!!

Onwards to twenty-seven...

My lovely (& very funny, indeed) Valentines straight from Nashville for a surprise Lagoon side lunch at Squid Lips.

Birthday dinner at Haru with two of my favorite gals, yummy sushi, and delicious dessert!

And to cap it all off... dinner, drinks, dancing, and shenanigans at Meg O'Malleys with awesome friends!


  1. YAY! I made the blog! So Happy to have seen you to celebrate us both turning 27! Hopefully I will be seeing you soon again when you come to Oregon

  2. AWWW, gurl! I could write whole posts about how awesome you are!! Can't wait to feature you and The Beaver State in May!! :-]
