Thursday, March 7, 2013

MQD: Future Peace Corps Volunteer!

Here is how it all happened:

September 26, 2012: Peace Corps application submitted

October 10, 2012: Initial interview at University of Central Florida

October 31, 2012: Follow-up interview

November 5, 2012: Nomination to serve received 
(Sector: Education, Tentative Departure Month: May)

January 18, 2013: Invitation to serve received 
(Country: The Gambia, Program: Education, Job Title: Primary Teacher Trainer, Staging: June 26, 2013) 

January 28, 2013: Invitation to serve officially accepted

January 31, 2013: The infamous "Big Blue Packet" received

February 23, 2013: Met my first Gambian and fellow Grad Student during the Florida Tech International Festival

Stayed tuned as this life-long dream comes true!!!