Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring 2012...day one

I love nature; I love how the creation clearly points to the Creator. Especially this time of year, as everything is waking up from the hibernation of Winter. Spring semesters are difficult for me academically speaking...talk about distractions! It feels like tornado season in my brain. Thankfully, outdoor study sessions are in order and the Atlantic Ocean is only 6.5 miles away.

Today is off to a great start for the season: A good night's sleep from a wonderful Saint Patrick's Day weekend/Winter closeout spent in Coastal Georgia (pictured below); a successful, gold mine of a meeting with the fine folks at Covenant Presbyterian Church to come alongside of them with their environmental stewardship efforts; and a surprise free lunch at Panera. You're looking good, Spring 2012!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Well hello there, March!

I've been in my "treehouse" for six months now... Crazy how time flies! My dad's half-birthday {Yes, I love birthdays that much as to warrant the celebration of half-birthdays. Now, I don't like fractions all that much so I mainly stick to just the half...} was yesterday thus triggering this thought. He is somehow always blessed with relocating me and or my stuff on his (actual) birthday. But hey, it usually involves a beach nearby so no one is complaining :-]

Speaking of time flying... One way I like to make it "stand still" is by just sitting, chilling, and contemplating life at the Eau Gallie Library with this (scenery to the left) as my view. Check out this promise prism that happened to brighten my day today. It was storming across the Lagoon yet sunshiny as could be on the other. Isn't that how it is sometimes? A particular Country Music star put it nicely, "The way I see it, if you want the rainbow sometimes you gotta put up with the rain." Thank you Jesus, for growing us, literally and figuratively, with the rain!