Tara was busy getting a pedicure today. Watching took me back to my Georgia Sea Turtle Center days when the sea turtle patients would get a "shell-icure" (scrapping loose pieces of keratin off of their carapace and plastron) during their treatments. Did you know that elephants have five toes on their front feet and four toes on their rear feet? And no, we do not paint their nails (as one darling camper wondered today :-] )
For the first time in three weeks, I finally saw this little guy in action-- and boy was he funny! Here is my proposed panda dialogue~
Po: "Hiyah...surprise roundhouse kick to the face success...Let's play, Mom!"
Lun Lun: "Oh my little
Kung Fu Panda, you have a body slam coming your way!"
Lun Lun: "Haha! Bow to your Sansei, Little One!"
Po: "Ah! Not the tummy tickle monster!"
(tickle wars immense)
Lun Lun:"Whew, Momma Kung Fu Panda is getting tired..."
Po: "Hey Mom, check out my awesome Kung Fu balance pose!"
Lun Lun: "Uh-hun" (heavy snoring continues)
Po: "I win! I win! Now for a snack..."
This job is so much fun :-]